Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Captivated by the Light

Last night I attended the Ed Pierce Captivated by the Light seminar and I couldn't believe how many people were there....400 photographers! Where does everyone come from! Ed's main focus was teaching about lighting which I thought was great. He talked about all kinds of different lighting techniques and styles of lighting.
I think that is so important these days, and it's hard to find photographers that speak about lighting anymore.
If you have a chance to go to this seminar, I recommend it. It's 4 hours (sitting on really hard chairs) but you also get a DVD of highlights from photographers like Vicki Taufer, the Woods, Parker Pfister, Rod Evans etc. (4 more hours)I watched some of the video last night and I could have stayed up all night to finish it. Can't wait to have more time to watch it!
It was great to see a lot of you there! And hopefully we will see you all for Ben's program as well! Check out his website for a listing of the seminars!