Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Have you signed up yet? David Jay

If you haven't signed up for the PPM on Tour meeting for July 14th...YOU NEED TO!
The deadline for signing up for dinner or golf is the 7th! The program is free and you can just show up...but if you want to let us know your coming that would be great too :)

Just a little about about our speaker: David Jay
Now, those of you who know me.. know that I really like David Jay. You also know that I'm really excited that he is coming here to speak. But, what you may not know is that he deserves every bit of what he has earned. He is a great speaker, talented photographer, has a great philosophy on life and business, and has influenced a lot of people for the good. He has put himself out there to help photographers get their lives back and create businesses that work for them. (not being enslaved to your business)
We are blessed to have him speak to us and I know that you will leave feeling empowered and lifted up!
I'll see you Monday, July the 14th!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Be yourself

"In the end, the only steps that matter are the steps you took all by yourself." -The Weepies

How many of you out there are spend hours looking at photographs each day? Whether it be magazines, commercials, books, or other photographers work...there is so much to look at. I spend a lot of time looking at other work, from peers to photographers I don't know. Like many of you, I love looking at photographs. We should, that's what we do.
I look for inspiration, ideas, to learn lighting and new posing ideas. And although I do get inspired...most of the time it does the blocks me creatively.

Why may you ask?
Well, I become less content with my work and actually start to dislike what I do. I wish I could be more like them, do work like them, live like them, have what they have, and be less like me.
Then, I'm not happy with what I have. My studio doesn't have this, I'm not near a beach, no one would do that here, it's too conservative, it's too liberal, it's too hot or too cold! Why am I even doing this? What I am going to do? I'm terrible.
I can't make that work! If only I had this! Blah blah blah!

The thing is, you can't live like that. BE YOURSELF! No matter who you are, there are qualities you possess that other people wish they had. You are the only one that can create like you. The only one that can love like you and you are the only one that can live like you!
Trying to be someone else is basically a waste of will never be them no matter what.

Find the greatness in you and work on making you even better!

Monday, June 2, 2008

One more day!

Hey everyone! I hope you are all as excited as I am to see Dan Broullette's program tomorrow night! Check out his website
Dinner is at 6 and his program is at 7!
We'll see you there!